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Seventeen Sorors chartered the Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter on August 16, 1980. The seventeen women wanted to serve the Fredericksburg community - especially the black community. These college educated women needed to extend their "roots". Delta was the vehicle to fulfill their wants and needs, and Fredericksburg was in need of the positive services we, as a sisterhood, could provide. The service areas include Stafford, City of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties.


The Fredericksburg area is located between the capital of Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia, is steeped in colonial and confederate history. As such it was basically an area of "haves" and "have nots." In the philosophy of Delta, the Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter (FAAC) sought to directly aid the "have nots" and to influence the "haves." Early activities included voter awareness, letters and petitions re: Atlanta child murders, a seminar for black women on the detection and prevention of breast cancer, aid to fire-stricken families, initiation of a scholarship fund, and a reclamation dinner. 


In 1981, with a solid foundation, FAAC became more active as a viable community force. Activities of the previous year were extended and new ones added. The new activities included Thanksgiving and Christmas projects, a fashion show to promote young black designers, participation in the Regional Conference, and more attention to promoting scholarships via financial assistance to black students.


Spring 1982, found FAAC committed to vigorous community action. A major FAAC sponsored event was the Fredericksburg Walkamerica for the March of Dimes. Over 200 people walked, pledging $10,000. Aside from providing a service to rid birth defects, our community image grew. For May Week, FAAC sponsored a seminar on Domestic Violence. Dedicated to the ideals and principles of Delta Sigma Theta and inspired by the examples set by the women of the Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter, the sisterhood grew.


Today, the sorority continues to support many community programs such as the St. Jude's Walk, The Braswell Run for teen violence, The Salvation Army Coat drive, Relay for Life, American Heart Association, Loisann's Hope House, Food banks, Veterans programs, Shelters in the area and many Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. programs health, education and political awareness sponsored by the sorority.


Vintage Car

Chapter Presidents:

1st: Cheryl Gaines (1980-1982)
2nd: Mamie Boykin-Scott (1982-1986)
3rd: Marceline Rollins Catlett (1986-1990)
4th: Constance Braxton (1990-1994)
5th: Frances W. Bumbrey (1994-1998)
6th Michelle Sims (1998-2002)
7th: Deirdre Powell White (2002-2006)
8th: Rhonda Fortune (2006-2010)
9th: Giovonni Smith (2010-2012)
10th: Beverly Lawson (2012-2014)

11th: Wanda Taylor (2014-2018)

12th: Stephanie Drummond (2018-2020)

13th: Joyce M. Diggs (2020-Current)

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